The Fall of Faust - Considerations on Contemporary Art and Art Action
By Andrea Pagnes
Introduction by Wolf-Gunther Thiel, Preface by Dana Altman, Foreword and Postface by Vedran Vucic
VestAndPage press, July 2010
Hardcover, pp. 208, 20 x 13 cm, 23.50 Euro
ISBN 978-88-905161-0-8.
What distinguishes Pagnes and Stenke from other artists is that besides their constant practice which has taken them in major art centres around the world, they are also interested in the theoretical aspects of communication, in decoding the hidden fabric of art and of artistic activity. The current book, with its two sections, one devoted to theoretical aspects (written by Andrea Pagnes) and a second one devoted to artistic practice (written by Andrea Pagnes and Verena Stenke) coming as a result of the experience of VestAndPage, extensive touring, workshops and teaching, shows us that it is important to be not only a practicing entity of this form of art, but also to attempt a deeper understanding of the art phenomenon in general, which has undergone uncountable changes in both definition and concrete aspects in recent years. Being performers is just one of the facets of the art activity of VestAndPage, and it represents a translation of their theoretical armature. ~ Dana Altman, New York, 2010
Including the essays:
- The Nature of Beautiful and the Nature of Art
- On Ideology
- Not Only for the Art
- Contemporary Art: The Homicide of the Ideal
- The Loss of Lyricism
- The Fall of Faust
- On the Ethical and Social Role of Art
- The Continuity of Becoming
- The Meaning of Art Truth
- Defiling by Art: Contamination
- Anatomy for a Contemporary Sculptor’s Spirit
- A Topical Masterpiece for Moderns: The Decameron
- Emotional Thinking: The Modern Way To Paint Informal
- Flux News Art Magazine: Interview with Andrea Pagnes
- Letter to an Artist
- Statement Elements: The VestAndPage Experience
- Art Action > Poetic Action
- Issues for a Translative Poetry
- The Laws of Communication: Space, Truth and Body in Action
- What Is the Body
- Body Language for Transformation
- Performance Art: A Social Role Between Ethics and Aesthetics
- On Performative Actions
- Encuesta eBent: Interview with VestAndPage
- Art Is Art (Everything Else Is Everything Else)
- To Look at the Past. Going Further and Beyond
- Essential Elements of Awareness (To Produce Effective Art Actions)
- Performance Art and Nonverbal Communication
Performance art, Live art, Action art, Theory, Research, Practice, Contemporary Art, Text, Poetry, Communication, Body, Human, Society, VestAndPage, Andrea Pagnes, Dana Altman, Wolf-Gunther Thiel, Vedran Vucic
The Fall of Faust - Considerations on Contemporary Art and Art Action
Hardcover, pp. 208, 20 x 13 cm, 23.50 Euro
ISBN 978-88-90516-0-8