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Pagnes, Andrea (2016) La Caída del Fausto - Consideraciones sobre el Arte Contemporáneo y Arte de Acción. Traduccion: Ruiz, R. Asesoramiento técnico: Ramos, N. Buenos Aires: IUNA Visuales and Venice: VestAndPage press.

Guerrero, Martia, Stenke, Verena, Pagnes, Andrea (eds.) (2014) La Casita de mis Suenos. Mexico City: Alumnos 47.

Pagnes, Andrea (2010) The Fall of Faust - Considerations on Contemporary Art and Art Action. Florence: VestAndPage press. ISBN: 978-88-905161-0-8.

Pagnes, Andrea (2010) Mayday: VestAndPage Workshop Concept and Theory. Florence: VestAndPage press.

Pagnes, Andrea (2006) Corpo 1 Prologo. Firenze: Quaderni Isole Comprese Teatro.

Pagnes, Andrea (1991) L'arte del manifesto e della litografia nell'opera di Marc Chagall. Milan: Master International Art.

Pagnes, Andrea (1991) Azione Poetica. Ragusa: CDE.

Pagnes, Andrea (1988) Verso Samain. Venice: Helvetia.

Pagnes, Andrea (1987) Uno Studio sugli Affreschi di San Giovanni Decollato. Venice: Helvetia.



Pagnes Andrea, Stenke Verena (2024) "Home". In Body, Jean (ed.). Provocations on Home, Place and Belonging Through Arts-Based Research. Routledge Advances in Art and Visual Studies.

Pagnes. Andrea, Monteiro, Felipe (2024) Two chapters for the IFTR compendium.

Pagnes, Andrea (2023) "Performance art: possibilities and limits of the biological body". In Johnson, P., Parry, S. and Senior, A. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Performance and Science. London: Routledge.


Pagnes, Andrea (2018) "Evolution". In De Domizio Durini, Lucrezia. Post Evolution: L’Unità nelle Diversità. (pp. 51-55). Turin: Il Quadrante.

Pagnes, Andrea (2018) "Uma Meditação sobre a Arte de Performance e Corpo Diferenciados". In Monteiro O., F., Salles, N. Corpos Diferenciados em Performance. (pp. 19-73). São Paulo: Fonte Editorial.

Pagnes, Andrea and Stenke, Verena (2017). "Temporary Artistic Community". In Andrea and Stenke, Verena (eds.) 3rd Venice International Performance Art Week: Fragile Body – Material Body. Venice: VestAndPage press, 13-43.

Pagnes, Andrea (2016) "On Performance Art, the Body and the Political". In Pagnes, Andrea and Stenke, Verena (eds.) 2nd Venice International Performance Art Week: Ritual Body – Political Body. Venice: VestAndPage press. 89-106.

Pagnes, Andrea (2014) "Andrea Pagnes & Verena Stenke: MayDay". In Torrens, Valentin (ed.). How We Teach Performance Art. (pp. 269-278). Milton Keynes: Outskirts Press.

Pagnes, Andrea (2014). "On the Nature of the Poetic Image and its Performativity". In Pagnes, Andrea and Stenke, Verena (eds.) 1st Venice International Performance Art Week: Hybrid Body – Poetic Body. Venice: VestAndPage press. 33-54.

Pagnes, Andrea (1996) "Interviews with Massimo Cacciari and Franco Rella". In Saetti, L. (ed.). Appuntamenti con la Filosofia II. (pp. 137-152). Milan: Giancarlo Politi Editore.






Pagnes. Andrea and Stenke, Verena (2024) "On Breath". Performance Research.

Stenke, Verena and Pagnes. Andrea (2024) "STRATA – A performance-based film on Deep Time in the body and the geologic". UnderCurrents: Journal of Critical Environmental Studies.

Pagnes, Andrea (2024) "IN TIMES OF PLAGUES: A Conversatorium between Andrea Pagnes (VestAndPage) and Guillermo Gómez-Peña". Ephemera Journal of Theatre and Performance Studies.


Pagnes. Andrea, Monteiro, Felipe (2024). "The Aesthetics of Invasion: Differentiated Bodies in Performance Art". Performance Research.


Pagnes. Andrea (2023) "ANAM CARA: Bodies in Absence | Surviving Performance Practices in Light of the Pandemic". Ephemera Journal of Theatre and Performance Studies, Vol 6 no. 11.


Pagnes. Andrea et al (2023) "Embodying the Difference – Performing the Experience: On Performance and Disability". Pitagorás500 Journal.


Pagnes. Andrea and Stenke Verena (2023) "Et anima est sanguis et sanguis est anima: VestAndPage Blood Writing". Performance Research, 28. 22-26. doi: 10.1080/13528165.2023.2222353.


Pagnes. Andrea (2023) "Bodies in Dissent Between the Political, the Private and the Technological". Repertório, 1(39). doi: 10.9771/rr.v1i39.46758.


Pagnes. Andrea (2023) "Corpo Ibrido, Modificato, Mutante, Aumentato, Interfacciato. Note su ORLAN e Stelarc". Il Corpo 6/23, 90-129. ISSN: 2279-929X.


Pagnes. Andrea, Stenke. Verena, Quin, Douglas, Disley, Daz (2023) "STRATA: The Research Process in the Making of a Performance-Based Film”. Performance Matters 9.1–2. 88–138. ISSN 2369-2537.


Pagnes. Andrea (2022) "A Very Simple Piece: Goldilocks 23332: A One-to-one Mentoring Experiment about the Margins and Limits of Individualised Methodology for a Unique.Need Artist". TXAI Journal 1(2). 149-168. ISSN: 2764-0612.


Pagnes. Andrea (2022) "Temporary Artistic Communities: The Case Model of the Venice International Performance Art Week". KAYLLA Revista del Departamento de Artes Escenicas, 1. 69-96, doi: 10.18800/kaylla.202201.004.


Pagnes. Andrea (2022) "(Non Abbiamo Idea di) Come Diventare Internet-based Performance Artists". Il Corpo 5/20. 92-199. ISSN: 2279-929X.


Stenke, Verena and Pagnes. Andrea (2020) "Poetics of Relations – A Manifesto on Performance-Based Filmmaking". Journal of Embodied Research. 3.1. doi: 10.16995/JER.37.


Pagnes. Andrea (2020) "On Disability Culture, Performing Arts, Social Theatre and the Practice of Beauty". Ephemera Journal of Theatre and Performance Studies. 3.5. 92-127. ISSN: 2596-0229.


Pagnes. Andrea (2019) "Mirroring the Double and the Cruel – Living, Uncaging, Offending, Celebrating, Analysing: considerations on a few artistic experiences that echoed Artaud’s thought". Ephemera Journal of Theatre and Performance Studies. 2.3. 29-54. ISSN: 2596-0229.


Pagnes. Andrea and Monteiro, Felipe (2019) "Considerations on Pain and Suffering in VestAndPage’s Performance Art". Repertório Journal. 1.32. 266-300. doi: 10.9771/r.v1i32.26578.


Pagnes. Andrea (2015) "Two Bodies in Space: Durational Performance: The Quest for Authenticity in VestAndPage Experience". Studio Research. 3. 4-17. doi: 10.22501/rc.206891.


Pagnes. Andrea and Stenke, Verena (2014) "Antarctic Dream". Performance Research. 18(6). 71-80. doi: 10.1080/13528165.2013.908059.


Pagnes, Andrea (2014) "SPACED, ART OUT OF PLACE: The Experiences of the Free University of Liverpool and the CyberMohalla Project as Examples of Alternative Education". ArtLeaks Gazette. 2. 1-15.


Pagnes, Andrea (2012) "Reconfiguring Think Tanks as a Discursive, Social Model in Contemporary Art". Art&Education and Re-tooling Residencies.


Pagnes. Andrea (2011) "Sobre la Representividad del Cuerpo en Fuga". Revista Experimenta.


Pagnes. Andrea (2011) "Body Issues in Performance Art: Between Theory and Praxis". Art&Education.



Pagnes. Andrea and Stenke, Verena (2021) Im Schilde. Venice: VestAndPage Press.

Pagnes. Andrea and Stenke, Verena (eds.) (2017) III Venice International Performance Art Week: Fragile Body – Material Body. Exhibition Catalogue. Venice: VestAndPage press.

Pagnes. Andrea and Stenke, Verena (eds.) (2017) Onufri XXI - SiO2 - The Reason of Fragility, Contemporary Artists Facing Glass. Exhibition Catalogue. Tirana: Albanian National Gallery of Arts. ISBN 978-9928-4355-1-4.

Pagnes. Andrea and Stenke, Verena (eds.) (2016) II Venice International Performance Art Week: Ritual Body – Political Body. Exhibition Catalogue. Venice: VestAndPage press.

Pagnes. Andrea and Stenke, Verena (eds.) (2013) I Venice International Performance Art Week: Hybrid Body – Poetic Body. Exhibition Catalogue. Venice: VestAndPage press.

Pagnes. Andrea (2011) Radical Transparency & Eco-Intelligence in Contemporary Performance Art. In Tina B. The Prague Contemporary Art festival. Exhibition catalogue. Prague: Vernon Gallery. 8-13.

Pagnes. Andrea (2011) David Dalla Venezia. Exhibition Catalogue. Venice: Manni Art Gallery.

Pagnes. Andrea (2008) Schaller: Künstlerprofil. In Marzona, D. (ed.). Schaller. Exhibition Catalogue. Trieste: Navado. 27-30.

Pagnes. Andrea (2008) Guardando dall’Alto. Exhibition Catalogue. In Hill, E. (ed.) The Invisible City. London: EMH Arts. pp. 46-47.

Pagnes. Andrea, Bianconi, R. (2001) Vasi Comunicanti. Exhibition Catalogue. Verona: Numero Uno Design Center.

Pagnes. Andrea (2001) Fragile Beauty: Contemporary Artists Facing Glass. Exhibition Catalogue. Verona: Numero Uno Design Center,

Pagnes. Andrea (2000) Dinamiche. Exhibition Catalogue. Venice: Rossella Junck Gallery.

Pagnes. Andrea (2000) Fabio Cardoso. In Fabio Cardoso. Retrospettiva. Exhibition Catalogue. Padova: Chinchio. 8-10.

Pagnes. Andrea (org.) (1997) Europarte. Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, XVLII Venice Biennale. Venice: Arsenale Ed..

Pagnes. Andrea (coord.) (1997) Sarajevo. Exhibition catalogue. Querini Stampalia Foundation, XVLII Venice Biennale. Venice: Arsenale Ed..

Pagnes. Andrea (1996) Il Giardino degli Dei. Exhibition Catalogue. Venice: Ateneo San Basso, B&S Art Gallery.

Pagnes. Andrea (1996) "Mirror Shades." In Nelsson, T. Untrue. Exhibition Catalogue. Milano: Edizioni Tintoretto. 20-50.

Pagnes. Andrea  (1995) "No Winner but Light." In Paternoster. Exhibition Catalogue. Cologne: Hochhaus. 30.

Pagnes. Andrea  et al. (1995) La Stanza degli Sguardi. Exhibitions catalogue. Venice: Grafiche Veneziane.

Pagnes. Andrea (1993) Entraxis. Exhibition Catalogue. Venice: Grafiche Veneziane.

Pagnes. Andrea  (1993) "Ferita da Taglio." In Sambo, Mauro. Apparente Controllo del Tempo. Exhibition Catalogue. Venice: Grafiche Veneziane, 1993. 38-39.

Pagnes. Andrea (1993) "Elementi per la realizzazione di un’idea." In Pagnes, A. Entraxis. Exhibition Catalogue. Venice: Grafiche Veneziane, 5-12.

Pagnes. Andrea (1992) Corale. Exhibition catalogue. Venice: Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation and Supernova Edizioni.

Pagnes. Andrea and Mlecko, Martin (1991) A Manifest against the Yugoslavian War. Concept, layout and text. Reproduced by Der Spiegel magazine.

De Grandis, Paolo and Pagnes, Andrea (org.) (1990) 39 Illustratori sovietici: II° Biennale del libro illustrato per l'infanzia. Exhibition catalogue. Venezia: Teatrio.

Pagnes. Andrea (1990) "Schichtenzettel: Schacht Manifest. Dichten und Denken. Gewissenserfassung." In Mlecko, M., Pagnes, A. et al. Glück Auf. Exhibition catalogue. Munich: Popa Verlag. 6-12.

Pagnes. Andrea (1990) "Die Zerstörung des Idealen | Mensch. Natur. Kunst." (Fragmente). In Mlecko, M., Pagnes, A. et al. Oberhalb der Baumgrenze. Exhibition catalogue. Munich: Popa Verlag. 12-28.



Pagnes, A. (2024) VestAndPage's Collective Performance Opera: A eutopian gaze for planetary coexistence. Loïe Revista no.15.

Pagnes, A. (2022). Il rapporto con il pubblico tra seduzioni digitali e spostamenti reali. Che Fare– PUBLIC / Accademia Unidee.

Pagnes, A. (2022). Fehler. Fehlschlag. Gut. HANIX Magazin - FALSCH! 78. 26-27.

Stenke, V. and Pagnes, A. (2022) Poética de las Relaciones – Un manifiesto sobre el cine basado en el performance por VestAndPage. El Rizo Robado. 25.

Pagnes, A. (2022). Global vs. Local. HANIX Magazin – lokal/global. 77. 26-27.

Pagnes, A. (2022) El performer está ausente. El Rizo Robado. 24. 2022.

Pagnes, A. (2022). Über Credo et Fides. HANIX Magazin – Glaube. 76. 62-65.

Pagnes, A. (2022). Antarctic Dream — Excerpts from the Logbook. Antarktikos: Mapping Nature, #1, 2021-2022. 66-69.

Pagnes, A. (2021). Freiheit. Was ist die Bedeutung? Einen freien Hals haben? HANIX Magazin – Fragile, handle with care, 75. 26-27.

Pagnes, A. (2021). Demokratisierung der Machtverhältnisse in Kunstinstitutionen. HANIX magazine - Hmmm… 74. 22-23.

Pagnes, A. (2021). On Performance Art in Turkey. Performistanbul Publications.

Pagnes A. (2021). Freedom is relational. Video lecture. Untitled Festival.

Pagnes, A. and Stenke, V. (2020). HOME – Ciclo de performances por VestAndPage. Revista digital Acciones al Margen. 2. 44-73.

Pagnes, A. (2020). Schiebt nicht Deutschland die Schuld zu. (Teil 2). HANIX Magazin - Will es wissen. 69. 58-62.

Pagnes, A. (2020. Schiebt nicht Deutschland die Schuld zu. (Teil 1). HANIX Magazin - Blickt voraus! 68. 62-65.

Pagnes, A. and Stenke, V. (2020). Non abbiamo idea di come diventare Internet-based performance artists. L'INFORME webzine.

Pagnes, A. (2020). Amidst the Spreading: A Chronicle from the (Old) Continent. Live Art Development Agency.

Pagnes, A. et al (2019) Letter to a Young Mother: Imagine Home (Collective Poetry), Loïe Revista no.04.

Pagnes, A. (2019). Reading, Because of Love. With an open letter to Franko B and his response. Live Art Development Agency.

Pagnes, A. (2018). Konteksty 2018: A Place, Foreign Bodies and the In Situ Principle. Konteksty Postartistic Congress Sokolowsko. In Situ Contemporary Art Foundation.

Pagnes, A. (2017). Stan’ sztuki performatywnej i czym ona w ogole jest? KONTEKSTY – Konteksty w “Kontekstach. Issue 4, 319. Art Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. 63-68.

Pagnes, A. (2017). 14 Titles Break-down. Guest editor. Unbound.

Pagnes, A., Stenke, V. (2016). Spot, Episode 11: 11-0602 TCX Snow White. MEURAL.

Pagnes, A. (2015). After the Experience - A Road to Pagan Sanctity. On Ron Athey’s performance Incorruptible Flesh: Messianic Remains. Unbound.

Pagnes, A. (2015). Ron Athey in conversation with Andrea Pagnes. Live Art Development Agency and Storie Literary Magazine.

Pagnes. A. (2015). Performance art: the issue of the body, theory and practice. Part 2, transl. in Vietnamese: Pham Long. My thauât Journal 03 (07).  90-96.

Pagnes. A. (2015). Performance art: the issue of the body, theory and practice. Part 1, transl. in Vietnamese: Pham Long. My thauât Journal. 02 (06). 89-95.

Pagnes, A., Stenke, V. (2015). Plantain – How We Walk with Time. EX NUNC Journal. 0.

Pagnes, A. (2014). Planet India. Interviews with Abha Iyengar, Avtar Sing and the CyberMohalla Ensemble. Storie Literary Magazine.

Pagnes, A. (2014). Did I get it? Storie Literary Magazine.

Pagnes, A.(2012). IT. HESA imprint - Ph/Fobia. 16. 22-25.

Pagnes, A. (2012). Without Restraint. HESA inprint - Addiction / Riippuvuus. 14.

Pagnes, A. (2011). Defiling by Art: Contamination. 972 Art - Art and Culture Arena, 2011.

Pagnes, A. (2011). The Meaning of Art Truth. 972 Art - Art and Culture Arena.

Pagnes, A. (2010). The Continuity of Becoming. 972 Art - Art and Culture Arena.

Pagnes, A. (2010). On the Ethical and Social Role of Art. 972 Art - Art and Culture Arena.

Pagnes, A., (2009). Lydia Lunch: Paradoxia. Book review. Storie Literary Magazine.

Pagnes, A., (2009). Jerry Stahl: Permanent Midnight. Book review. Storie Literary Magazine.

Pagnes, A. (2006). Letter to an Artist. MOT Masters of Today.

Pagnes, A. (2003). Collected Essays. Medialworks.

Pagnes, A. (1992). Tra l’acqua e la pietra. In Apa, Mariano (ed.). Laboratorio. Artisti a Fossato di Vico. Milan: Electa Mondadori. 144-146.

Pagnes, A. (1991). Im Schacht. Dichtung. Westzeit.

Pagnes, A. (1990-15). Various articles for Flash Art and Flash Art International.

Pagnes, A. (1989). La Poesia di Ugo Stefanutti. Annuario dell’Ateneo Veneto.




"Thinking about Performance Art"

Venice, 2018 | Italian - English

My Art Guide

"On the Venice International Performance Art Week"

By Giulia Capaccioli, Venice, 2016



"Torna la Venice International Performance Art Week"

By Isotta Esposito, Venice, 2016 | Italian


Performance Is Alive

"Artist Feature: VestAndPage"

By Quinn Dukes, New York, 2015


Rivista PASSPARnous n.2 - TEATRO

"Conversazione con Andrea Pagnes e Verena Stenke"

By Enrico Pastore, Venice, 2015 | Italian


"Venice International Performance Art Week. L’intervista ai curatori"

By Amalia Nangeroni, Venice, 2014 | Italian


"Ritual Body – Political Body. II Venice International Performance Art Week"

By Celeste Ricci, Venice, 2014


VIVO Media Arts Centre

"On the film trilogy sin∞fin – A conversation with VestAndPage"

By Jeremy Todd, Vancouver, 2014



"Performance recrea al Museo del Chopo"

By Sonia Avila, Mexico City, 2013 | Spanish


Big Red & Shiny

"The Higher state: An Interview with VestAndPage"

By Alexis Avedisian, Boston, 2013


Personal Structures Vol.2

Interview with VestAndPage

By Valeria Romagnini / European Cultural Centre, Venice, 2013

Performa Magazine

"Venice International Performance Art Week"

By A. E. Zimmer, New York, 2012


Giornale Sentire

"VestAndPage: Corpo Ibrido, Corpo Poetico"

By Emilio Luzza, 2012 | Italian


Il Manifesto

"La militanza? E' tattile e fisica"

By Teresa Macrì, 2012 | Italian


Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas

"Sobre la pelicula sin∞fin – Proyecto Antártida"

By Raul Manrupe, Buenos Aires, 2012 | Spanish


Now Delhi

"Open Minds"

By tahska, New Delhi, 2011


1- Las Niñas de Yolia is a spoken word recording by Mexico City street girls telling about their dreams and fears. It has been produced for the 24-hour live durational performance Fear vs Love vs Fear, commissioned by Fundación Alumnos47, Mexico City (MX) on the occasion of Proyecto Liquido. Miedo in June 2012.

2 - (HOME) The Raft is a poetic recollection of splinters of memory along remote journeys. It mixes historical accounts of Sir Robert Falcon Scott's 1910 "Terra Nova" Antarctic expedition with VestAndPage's own diary entries during their one-month stay in Antarctica. It includes hydrophone recording (courtesy Douglas Quin) of Weddell seals callings under the sea. The spoken word poetry recording has been produced for the live performance opera The Raft (HOME) as part of the HOME cycle on the occasion of The Raft - Art is (not) Lonely, Fort Napoleon, Ostende (BE) on March 10, 2018.

3 - A-U-R-U-M is a musical piece for Creative Dynamic Breathing.

With Kassim Bayatly (Chants), Andrea Pagnes (Breath), Verena Stenke (Composition), Florence (IT), 2010

4 - CROSSING is a haiku and poetry about the "going".

The spoken word poetry recording has been produced for the video poetry CROSSING, winner of La Parola Immaginata Video Poetry Prize (2009) and Nassauer Kulturpreis (2011)

5 - EAU=O is a poetic lingering around transformation and instability.

The spoken word poetry recording has been produced for the live durational performance Endangered Species, held at Frassinagiodiciotto, Bologna (IT) on the occasion of ArteFattaPezzi - Arte Fiera Off, January 2008.

6 - SUITEnovus is a poetic circumferencing of existence.

The spoken word poetry recording has been produced for the live one-to-one performance in a hotel suite SUITEnovus, held at Artur-o Il Must, Grand Hotel Minerva, Florence (IT) in 2009 and TINA B., Mandarin Oriental, Prague (CZ) in 2010.

7 - Speak That I Can See You is a poetic invocation of our fears.

The spoken word poetry recording has been produced for the live durational performance ritual Speak That I Can See You, originally premiered at Ali Pasha Castel, Porto Palermo, AL in the occasion of ArtKontakt, August 2007, and Kosovo Contemporary Art Gallery, Pristine, in the occasion of Mulliqi Prize 2007, December 2007

8 - No More Idols: All and None is a poetic collage of German and English text elements of Friedrich Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra, layered on the soundscape piece ...sibilava tra i denti... by Mauro Sambo & Matilde SamboThe spoken word poetry recording has been produced for the live collective performance opera No More Idols: All and None (HOME X) as part of the HOME cycle on the occasion of No New Idols Festival | Sculpture Quadrennial Riga at Tu jau zini Kur, Riga (LV) on May 30, 2019.

9 - Fragen an Domenig is a series of questions to the Austrian Brutalist architect Günther Domenig, developed during our one-week artist-in-residency at durch:formen, Domenig Steinhaus, Steindorf am Ossiacher See (AT). The spoken word poetry recording has been produced for the concluding live performance NonHouse | Yet | This House (HOME VII) of the HOME cycle of performances,  on October 9, 2018.

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