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Dance Art Journal | London | "1 9 Monologue at The Place is a Dance Macabre" (October 2023)

Schwäbische Zeitung | Blaubeuren | "Performancekunst trifft Archäologie" (August 2023)

STAYINART – Beyond Borders 3.21"VestAndPage – Corpo Vita" (Podcast | Online | Print) (August 2021)

​Süd West Presse | Ulm / Mehrstetten | "Magische Momente überm Blautopf" (June 2021)

Augsburger Allgemeine | Augsburg | "Schweben über dem Blautopf - wie ein Wasservogel" (June 2021)

Schwäbische Zeitung | Ehingen |  "Hier schwebt eine Frau über dem Blautopf" (June 2021)

Regio-TV | Ulm | "Luftakrobatik über dem Blautopf: Kunstfilm entsteht in der Region" (June 2021)

ARD, SWR | Landesschau Baden-Württemberg | (June 2021) - from minute 23:51

SWR2 Kultur | "Kunst und Wissenschaft: Das Filmprojekt 'Strata' in den Höhlen der Schwäbischen Alb" (May 2021)

Schwäbische Zeitung | Schelklingen | "Hohle Fels: Wenn Kunst auf Wissenschaft trifft" (May 2021)

Süd West Presse | Schelklingen/Blaubeuren | "Von Kunst und Zeit im Ur-Opernhaus" (May 2021)

Süd West Presse | Grabenstetten/Bad Urach | "Dreharbeiten mit Künstlerduo – Cosmo-Hase erforscht die Unterwelt" (April 2021)

Reutlinger General Anzeiger | Reutlingen | "Kunstfilmdreh in der Falkensteiner Höhle bei Grabenstetten" (April 2021)

Heilbronner Stimme | Heilbronn | "Das Künstlerpaar VestAndPage produziert einen Performance-Film" (März 2021)

HANIX Das Magazin | Heilbronn | Article "Die Wahrheit des Leibes" (German, February/March 2020)

La Nuova Venezia | Venice | Article "Corpo e dissenso. L'arte indaga nei conflitti dei nostri giorni" (Italian, January 2020)

PANCH Mapping Europe | Zürich | Interview "Gisela Hochuli with Andrea Pagnes" (2019)

Jegens & Tevens | Den Haag | Interview "On Collective Experiences at Project ID - In Between Identities" (July 2019)

Veditu | Milan | Interview "Thinking about Performance Art" (Italiano | English. January 2018)

Art Monthly | London | Review and interview "Venice International Performance Art Week: Fragile Body - Material Body" (Issue 404, March 2017, p.35)

Exibart.onpaper no.96 | Rome | Review "Il corpo sublimato del performer" (February 2017, pp. 52-53)

RealTime Arts Magazine Issue #132 | Sydney | Review "Shifting gravity's centre -  Julie Vulcan: Venice International Performance Art Week" (February 2017)

My Art Guide | Venice | Interview "On the Venice International Performance Art Week" (2016)

Libreriamo | Milano | Interview "Torna la Venice International Performance Art Week" (Italian, 2016)

Penzo+Fiore | Venice | Review "VestAndPage - True Beyond Fiction" (2016)

Blickwechsel - Journal für deutsche Kultur und Geschichte | Berlin | Article "Spitzwegerich" (German, 2016)

Tages-Anzeiger | Zürich | Review "Yggdrasil - Zwei Gruppen fischen im Drüben" (German, 2016)

Gazzetta Italia | Warsaw | Article "A piedi dalla Germania a Kaliningrad" (Italian/Polish, 2015)

PERFORMERS by Piero Viti | Venice | Cover, images and Catalogue text (2015)

Kunstforum International | Cologne | Article "Spitzwegerich" (German, 2015)

Heilbronner Stimme | Article "Spurensuche auf dem Flüchtlingstreck" (German, 2015)

Lavanderia Young | Venice | Article "VestAndPage - un mese di performance e film Plantain | Spitzwegerich" (Italian, 2015)

Studio Research #3 | Queensland | Cover & Essay "Two Bodies in Space, Durational Performance: The Quest for Authenticity in the VestAndPage Experience" by Andrea Pagnes (2015)

RealTime Arts Magazine Issue #125 | Sydney | Review "Ritual empty & full, spiritual & political - Venice International Performance Art Week 2014" (2015)

Performance Is Alive | New York | Interview "Artist Feature: VestAndPage" (2015)

ArtPlus Magazine | Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macao | Article "Venice International Performance Art Week (Mandarin, 2015)

Rivista PASSPARnous n.2 - TEATRO | Florence | Interview "Conversazione con Andrea Pagnes e Verena Stenke" (Italian, 2015)

La Repubblica Sera | Rome | Article "Performance Art Week - Il Corpo e' politico a Venezia" (Italian, 2014)

Exibart | Italy | Article "Il corpo rituale e politico" (Italian, 2014)

Artribune | Italy | Interview "Venice International Performance Art Week. L’intervista ai curatori" (Italian, 2014)

Artnoise | Italy | Interview "Ritual Body – Political Body. II Venice International Performance Art Week " (2014)

Artslife | Italy | Article "Venice International Performance Art Week. Otto giorni di performance dal vivo" (Italian, 2014)

VIVO Media Arts Centre | Vancouver | Interview "A conversation with VestAndPage" (2014) | Zagreb| Interview "Verena i Andrea: ‘Naš je rad baš kao i život – prašuma" (Croatian, 2014)

Perforarte Magazine | Mexico City | Cover Image (2014)

The Herald | Plymouth | Article "To ends of world with art duo VestAndPage" (2014)

Reforma | Mexico City | Interview "Exploran Fragilidad del Ser" (Spanish, 2013)

Conaculta | Mexico City | Review "Fear vs Love vs Fear" (Spanish, 2013)

Excelsior | Mexico City | Interview "Performance recrea al Museo del Chopo" (Spanish, 2013)

London City Nights | London | Review "sin∞fin The Movie' by VestAndPage at ]performance s p a c e [ " (2013)

Hyperallergic | New York | Review "Walking on Mirrors Until You Bleed, and Other Images from a Performance of Poetic Pain" (2013)

Performance Research | London | Review "Review: Performance Couplings" (2013)

The Present Tense | Boston | Review "This Generation’s Population of Ghosts: Near Death Performance Art Experience" (2013)

HowlRound | Boston | Review "Exist Stronger" (2013)

Big Red & Shiny | Boston | Interview "The Higher state: An Interview with VestAndPage" (2013)

Personal Structures Vol.2 | Venice | Interview with VestAndPage by Valeria Romagnini/Global Art Affairs Foundation (2013)

Performa Magazine | New York | Interview "Venice International Performance Art Week" (2012)

Giornale Sentire | Rovereto | Interview "VestAndPage: Corpo Ibrido, Corpo Poetico" (Italian, 2012)

L'Aperitivo Illustrato Magazine | Pesaro | Article "Arte performativa in laguna" (Italian, 2012)

FlashArt Italy | Milan | Interview "Venice International Performance Art Week" (Italian, 2012)

InsideArt | Rome | Article "Una settimana di performance in laguna" (Italian, 2012)

Il Manifesto | Rome | Interview and Review "La militanza? E' tattile e fisica" (Italian, 2012)

Artribune | Italy | Review "Da Yoko Ono a Hermann Nitsch, a Jan Fabre. Qualcuno la chiama la più grande mostra-evento di perfomance art al mondo" (Italian, 2012)

The China Post | Taipei | Interview "Explore what's humanly possible" (2012)

Giornale Sentire | Rovereto | Article "VestAndPage: Sogni di ghiaccio" (Italian, 2012)

Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas | Buenos Aires | Interview "Proyecto Antártida" (Spanish, 2012)

Heilbronner Stimme | Heilbronn | Article "Freiheit oder Unfreiheit, das ist hier die Frage" (German, 2011)

The Straits Times | Singapore | Article "Artist drinks his blood" (2011)

Interface | UK | Review "Vessel" (2011)

Leipziger Zeitung | Leipzig | Review "Blauverschiebung: Internationales Performancefestival geht haarig und blutig in Leipzig zu Ende" (German, 2011)

Phoenix Chinese News | Hong Kong | Interview (2011)

Giornale Sentire | Rovereto | Article "VestAndPage, il corpo siamo noi" (Italian, 2010)

La Stampa | Turin | Article "Le Stanze della Fiammiferaia" (Italian, 2011)

Now Delhi | New Delhi | Interview "Open Minds" (2011)

El Ojo De Adrian | El Salvador | Feature "vini video vinci: Verena Stenke y Andrea Pagnes" (Spanish, 2010)

Leconte Editore | Rome | Review "Leconte enchanted: ‘sin∞fin’, another kind of movie" (2010)

Hipermedula | Cordoba | Dossier "Dossier especial: Performance y Tatuajes" (Spanish, 2010)

ArtistsList | New York | Feature "Top 5 Contemporary Performance Artists To Watch By Quinn Dukes" (2010)

Abrebrecha | Caracas | Article "Pagnes y Stenke presentes en el Quinto Encuentro Mundial de Arte Corporal" (Spanish, 2010)

The Sunday Guardian | New Delhi | Article "Artists form a unique chain of creativity" (2010)

Heilbronner Stimme | Heilbronn | Article "Die Zerbrechlichkeit herausfordern" (German, 2010)

La Repubblica | Rome | Article "Pagnes-Stenke in performance" (Italian, 2009)

For ecological reasons, VestAndPage reduce air travel and no longer travel by plane in Europe.

We follow a Green Guide of Production.

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