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Requiem for the Molten 

 Performance-based research +
multichannel video


2024, Performance-based research and multichannel video

The prophecy of glaciers and volcanoes with Pasterze Glacier, Mount Vesuvius and the Phlegraean Fields intertwines speculative collective imaginings with radical tenderness through collaborative performance, co-tellings, and soundscapes. Psychic and visceral, prophecy oozes out from spaces of porosity—gaps and fissures inside bodies and pumice.

Body, Geology, Ecology, Vulcanology

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VestAndPage, Verena Stenke, Andrea Pagnes, STRATA
 Performance-based research + film
 2021  / 2024


2021/2022, Performance-based film

In caves of human prehistory, the project brings together artists and researchers from the humanities, social and geologic sciences to investigate the human body as a place that exists in continuity with the geological. Body artists illuminate concepts of deep time, past and modern human cultures through performances for the camera in caves.

Body, Geology, Ecology, Deep Time, History, Science, Documentary

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Katharina F. (15) 

Katharina F. (15)

2024, Installation

A research-based to counteract the kitschisation of the fictional literary character "Käthchen von Heilbronn" created by Heinrich von Kleist in 1810. While speechlessness and the unspeakable are central to Kleist's play, this work uses the word as a stylistic device to elucidate the conscious and the unconscious.

Feminism, Archive, Literature, Research

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futura spagyrica
Transcorporeal anatomic itinerary

futura spagyrica

2023, Multimedia installation


A future healing of the collectively dis-eased body. A transcorporeal route into the human body inspired by ancient alchemy. An anatomic itinerary that embraces the human and the nonhuman, form and space.

Body, Healing, Alchemy, Participatory, Ritual, Collective

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Venice.International.Performance.Art.Week © Alperoa_VestAndPage
 Venice International Performance Art Week 
 Curation | Live art exhibition project 
Ongoing since 2012

Venice International Performance Art Week 

Since 2012

The live art exhibition project and educational program with residential character for a temporary artistic community in historic Venetian palazzos conceived and directed by VestAndPage.


Cover image UNDER SCARS © Giorgia de Santi photographed by Camille Guibaud

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Imagination installation and
public intervention


Im Schilde

2021, Imagination installation and public intervention

Im Schilde is an imagination installation and public intervention conceived on the occasion of the 1250th anniversary of the town of Neckarsulm. The work calls for the recognition and naming of women in historical memory, exemplified by street names as a means of forming the identity of a city and its citizens.

Urban, City, Street signs, Feminism, History, Research, Archive

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Screenshot 2022-11-04 at 11.05.47.png
 Lost Matter
Solastalgic performance ritual

Lost Matter

2022, Performance ritual

An act of intimate reflection, a moment of recollection. 

A recognition of the capitalism-caused climate crisis and the colonization of land.

A collective mourning about what we lose every day. 

Body, Climate Change, Ecology, Deep Time, Mourning, Ritual, Collective

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VestAndPage, Verena Stenke, tuberculosis, pandemics, thanatos, hypnos
 1 9 Monologue
Tuberculous performance text 

1 9 Monologue

2020, Performance monologue


The experience of being as a body home to pathogens flows into this autobiographical performance text while building a bridge between precise self-observation and a global, historical and literary outside. While many in Europe consider it to be long since eradicated, it still presents the deadliest pandemic worldwide. The talk is about tuberculosis.

Body, Biology, Pathogens, Monologue

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Collective performance opera


2022, Collective performance opera


A gathering of performers who challenge their practice to attempt novel perspectives on art and society. A collective work that gravitates around the themes of disability, severe diseases, addiction, patriarchy, capitalism, abuse and discrimination. The wounds and stigma they cause are dealt with poetically through performance actions and artmaking rituals of kinship and togetherness. 

Collective, Margins, Kinship

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Poetics of Relations
Manifesto on
Performance-Based Filmmaking


Poetics of Relations

A Manifesto on Performance-Based Filmmaking

2020, Video article


This video article expands upon the "Poetics of Relations", the embodied research of VestAndPage, which informs their performance-based filmmaking theory and practice.


Embodied Practices, Film, Performance art, Manifesto, Geopsychology, Strange stranger, Hyperobjects

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Memory activation


2022, Psychogeographic memory activation

Based on the imaginary diary entries of the first female Neckarsulm winegrower Laura Haas (1835-1899), several decades of 19th-century city history are illuminated at the site of happening. Memories from the past are poetically interwoven with the present memories of visitors. Part of the series about underrepresented women in history started in 2021 with the imagination installation Im Schilde.

Feminism, History, Research, Archive, Environment

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VestAndPage, Verena Stenke, Andrea Pagnes, Amor and Psyche, Cupid and Psyche, pandemics, COVID-19

(In Times of Plagues)

Short film / Three-channel video

AMOR AND PSYCHE (In Times of Plagues) 

2020, Short film, 9'24" min

A performatic approach to the chemical, physiological, psychological and spiritual aspects of Breath. Initially conceived during Stenke's tuberculosis disease in 2019, the work has been resumed and actualized during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

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Mirror in the Mirror 

 Performance-based film


Mirror in the Mirror

2020, Film

A collective co-created performance-based film about the concept of home by and with VestAndPage and the Anam Cara Collective. Produced during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in April and May 2020, the film is a radical contemporary fairy tale, a journey through an imaginary dwelling.


Home, Pandemic, History, Co-Creation, Collective

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Cycle of collective
performance operas



2017-2020, Performance cycle

In a time in which people continue to displace – forcibly or by choice, HOME inquires into the concepts of Home and the ideal force of a community and sites of belonging, while at the same time questioning the precarious umbrella of state systems and norms that ascribe conventional meanings to both the collective and places. The chapters are developed through intensive co-creation processes with collaborating artists, presented as final collective performance operas.

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 Performance-based film


2018, Short film, 33 min.

A quest for real and imaginary signs – words and poetry to be revealed, composed and transcoded by the same geological strata from which they emerge. In search for expressions, languages to speak and connections to be made beyond what words can name.


Performance, Semiotics, Nature, Geology, Ecology, Strange stranger

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17 © VestAndPage_Plantain_2015.jpg
 Feature film based on a month-long performance walk 



2018, Film, 90 min

Starting from their personal German family story, VestAndPage embarked in May 2015 on a month-long performance walk from Germany through Poland to the Russian region of Kaliningrad, to perform and film on the location of true events of post-WWII displacements. In 7 episodes, the resulting feature-length art film questions oblivion through a series of poetic moving images. 

Art, Biography, History, Philosophy, War

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VestAndPage, Verena Stenke, Andrea Pagnes, Bloodwriting, love, home, visual
 Blood Poetry 
 Performance visuals 
 2014 ongoing 

Blood poetry 

Since 2014 , Visual work

Selected original blood poetry writings from the performances of the DYAD, AEGIS and HOME Cycles.

Blood on paper, 15 x 21 cm

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This is a selection of current and most recent works. 

For selected past works until 2006, please visit here.

For ecological reasons, VestAndPage reduce air travel and no longer travel by plane in Europe.

We follow a Green Guide of Production.

© 2024 VestAndPage

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